STAT PNG test is a high-stakes test; results have the potential to make a major impact on the future study plans of applicants.

ACER has established security procedures and rules, which will be strictly enforced at all times.

It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that they understand that the following behaviours are considered to be breaches of test rules:

  • breach of any of the security arrangements for the test
  • attempting to sit the test more than once in a test year
  • failure to follow a test Supervisor’s instructions at all times
  • giving false or misleading information during the test booking process
  • attempting to gain access to test questions before the test
  • using unauthorised aids (including notes, note paper, calculator, mobile phone)
  • attempting to take the test on behalf of another person
  • allowing another person to attempt to take the test on your behalf
  • giving or receiving assistance to someone else during the test
  • talking aloud (unless it is to ask a test supervisor a question) during the test session
  • failure to stop work and put your pencil down immediately when instructed
  • copying another applicant’s work
  • leaving the test room without permission
  • creating a disturbance inside or outside the test venue
  • attempting to remove a test book or part thereof, an answer sheet, or any notes, from the test room
  • attempting to copy or memorise all or part of the test
  • attempting to take a recording/image of the test materials
  • discussing or sharing of test content during or after the test
  • using the test questions, their content or information about them for purposes other than your sitting of the test. This includes publishing the test questions or any of their content or information about them on the internet, any digital format or otherwise; and/or passing the test questions, any of their content or information about them to third parties
  • infringement of copyright. Copyright infringement includes: performing those rights or authorising the performance of those rights which are granted at law exclusively to the copyright owner. These rights include the exclusive right to reproduce the copyright work in a material form and to communicate that work to the public
  • in any way breaching (as determined by ACER in its absolute discretion) any of the terms and conditions of your registration to participate in the test

All acts of suspected rule breaches by applicants will be reported by the test supervisors to ACER.


The penalty for any of the above breaches will be the cancellation of the applicant's test and a ban from registering to sit the STAT PNG test on a future occasion or in the case of theft, criminal charges.

APPLICANTS ARE PUT ON NOTICE that except as expressly provided at law, there is no right to challenge, appeal or seek review of any determination by ACER that misconduct has occurred or in relation to any consequences imposed by ACER for any misconduct. It is possible that the misconduct will be referred to educational institutions, government or another third party to whom such misconduct might be of interest.